Shock and Awe Double Split
bigfatbear avatar bigfatbear
Dec 30th 2013

Shock and Awe Double Split


5 DAYS - Cutting - Advanced

Equipment required: Dumbell, Barbell, Kettlebell, Bench, and Machine

This plan supports Interval mode and Audio Cue & Pro Tips

Ok folks, going to start making these public and see if they catch on. JeFit has been amazing for me, can't believe I still see folks at the gym without some sort of concrete plan and progress tracking (JeFit if you are listening I accept free tshirts and wear them proudly). But enough punditry...

This routine is trying to shake things up a bit. I've been on about 8-12 weeks of mass/strength building, and wanted to design something to keep me strong as I drop 15 lbs.

- High Volume: Previously routine had 10/8/6 with heavy weights, want to change this up dramatically.
- Engage Cardio: Rest interval of 45 seconds will keep the heart going. I had knee surgery recently so this is somewhat to make up for the lack of longer cardio sessions.
- FORM: I had been pushing it hard to lift heavy weights with any available muscle group, going to give that up for the next four weeks.

- Timeline: 24 days
- Splits: Think of this as two routines in one. The primary groups are Chest/Legs/Shoulders/Back, the secondary groups are Forearms/Triceps/Biceps. I will be going 4 days on and 1 day of rest, each day doing one primary session in the early AM and one shorter secondary session in the PM. So the first time through, Day 1: AM Chest and PM Triceps, but then Day 4: AM Back and PM Triceps. Two a days for four days and one day of rest, rotating the AM sessions and PM sessions independently.
- Diet - I'm aiming for a net intake of around 1400 calories a day.
- Supplements: GNC RAW Ravage (pre-workout) and Re-Grow (post-workout, often only half a serving so I can steal have a real meal or two and stay close to 1400).

JEFIT Advanced Bulking Routine helped put in some structure.
Interesting article to get the tricep work down: