The Elite - Forcing Your Muscles To Grow*** routine by nsknikkink is a 10 day workout plan. It is a advanced level plan to achieve bulking fitness goals.
Plan Description
When it comes to lifting weights, everyone was a ripped, massive and strong physique.
But to get ...
When it comes to lifting weights, everyone was a ripped, massive and strong physique.
But to get that muscular look that you desire, first you must lift heavy weight, increase your intensity and force your muscles to grow.
With this workout program, you will stop using the light weight and pick up heavier weights to spark and stimulate your muscles into growth and major gains.
<b><u>Why This Routine Works</b></u>
This is a 6 week workout program designed to help you bulk up, increase your strength and spark your muscles into growth.
For the weeks 1, 3 and 5, your main focus will be to use heavier weight with less reps, the increased resistance method. By performing heavier weight you will be tearing the muscle fibers, thus increasing muscle mass.
As you complete each week, you will want to progressively increase the amount of weight lifted. With this training method you a progressively overloading your muscles, constantly forcing them to grow with each week. The only way that muscles can increase their strength or mass is if they are forced to contract at peak levels.
During weeks 2, 4 and 6, you will increase the amount of repetitions performed for the major muscle building compound exercises using moderate weight. This forces blood through your muscles, building the pump and increasing overall muscle strength. By increasing the blood flow through your muscles, you are aiding your body's ability to rebuild the muscle tissue that has been broken down the week before.
This routine coupled with a proper diet plan will help you achieve the best results possible from your training. Your diet and getting the proper amount of rest are crucial to helping you see the growth and strength increase you desire.
As stated above, this is a 6 week rep and weight alternating workout program that. By performing this routine for 6 weeks you are allowing your body to achieve optimal results. If you don't see the results you desire or want to continue this program, add an additional 2 weeks to this program for more gains.
<b><u>Workout Day Split</b></u>
<u>Weeks 1, 3 and 5</u>
Day 1 - Legs
Day 2 - Back and Biceps
Day 3 - Abs and Shoulders
Day 4 - Abs, Chest and Triceps
<u>Weeks 2, 4 and 6</u>
Day 1 - Legs
Day 2 - Back and Biceps
Day 3 - Abs and Shoulders
Day 4 - Abs, Chest and Triceps
<b><u>Forcing Your Muscles To Grow Training Stats</b></u>
<u>Weeks 1, 3 and 5</u>
Day 1 Total Workout Time : 25 Minutes
Day 1 Total Rest Time : 45 Minutes
Day 2 Total Workout Time : 26 Minutes
Day 2 Total Rest Time : 57 Minutes
Day 3 Total Workout Time : 25 Minutes
Day 3 Total Rest Time : 45 Minutes
Day 4 Total Workout Time : 29 Minutes
Day 4 Total Rest Time : 57 Minutes
<u>Weeks 2, 4 and 6</u>
Day 1 Total Workout Time : 23 Minutes
Day 1 Total Rest Time : 34 Minutes
Day 2 Total Workout Time : 23 Minutes
Day 2 Total Rest Time : 46 Minutes
Day 3 Total Workout Time : 23 Minutes
Day 3 Total Rest Time : 34 Minutes
Day 4 Total Workout Time : 26 Minutes
Day 4 Total Rest Time : 43 Minutes
<b><u>Equipment Used</b></u>
• Barbell
• Dumbbell
• Strength Machine
• Cable Machine
• Leg Machine
• Bench
• Weight Plate
It is extremely important while performing this workout program, to make sure that you are getting the most nutrients possible from your diet plan.
Without the proper diet or nutritional program, you won't see the gains or growth that you desire from this fitness routine. Thus it is crucial to manage the proper amount of macronutrients and calories you are taking in so that you are able to make the most of your training.
• Protein - Egg Whites, Lean Chicken, Lean Beef, Protein Shakes, Cottage Cheese, Greek Yogurt, Lean Ground Turkey, Peanut Butter
• Carbs - Sweet Potatoes, Quinoa, Brown Rice, Beans (Black or Kidney), Oatmeal, Whole Wheat Toast,
Of course you cannot forget your fruits and vegetables for a balance of nutrients, antioxidants and fiber.
As with any diet that is gear towards putting on clean muscle and size, you will want to eat a clean and healthy diet.
Stay away from any snack foods, chips, sweets, or anything that will put on excess fat, carbs or sugars into your diet. This will be detrimental to your gains and goals of muscle building.
• You can add in some warm-up sets into each workout to loosen up your muscles.
Intensity and focusing on the motions/movements of each exercise will help target and build the little muscles of each body part. It is important to put emphasis on performing the correct form for each exercise so that you get the most out of each lift and stimulate the little muscles for optimal growth potential.
With this routine diet is key, you want to eat and have a clean and healthy diet to attain optimal and best gains possible.
Day 1
Day 2
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 6
Day 7
Day 8
Day 9
Day 10
Weeks 1, 3 and 5
Est time: 0 min
0 exercises
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