Pieter and Aileen 3 Day Push Pull Legs
EpicLiving avatar EpicLiving
Mar 4th 2019

Pieter and Aileen 3 Day Push Pull Legs


Equipment required: Dumbell, Barbell, Kettlebell, Bench, and Machine

This plan supports Interval mode and Audio Cue & Pro Tips

Making the Most of Gym Time
This routine aims to make the most out of your two gym sessions a week. A focus is placed on compound lifts that works multiple muscles groups and is split into push exercises and pull exercises. By only working out 2 days per week and through the grouping of exercises, this routine gives your muscles plenty of time to recover between workouts. It's totally up to you when to do the 2 workouts, but we do recommend at least a day or two of rest in between.

Before starting this workout program we do recommend you get comfortable with performing the big lifts: squats, overhead press, deadlift and benchpress. Though we do recommend the barbell movements feel free to substitute dumbbells when the power rack is not available.

Push Workout
Begin with active stretching of the shoulders. If your gym has exercise bands a great stretch to warm up the shoulder joint are rotationals putting resistance against each head. When performing the different push exercises, make sure you brace the core and control the weight.

Pull Workout
Keeping a neutral back is crucial for exercises in this workout. Again, bracing the core is key and refrain from rounding the lower back.

Legs are split out as squats do take a lot of energy out of you and may take away from training other muscle groups when doing a 2 day push pull split. When doing leg workouts it is critical to maintain a stable bar path, a braced core to ensure a neutral back and to lower to a depth at least parallel with the floor.

When you do get stronger increase the weight by 5lbs for heavier compound lifts and 2.5 lbs for lighter lifts.

Warming Up
Especially for compound lifts we recommend warming up with lighter weights before your working sets. A common warmup scheme is 10-15 sets with a very light weight, followed by intermediate sets until you do 1 rep of your working weight.

Reps, Sets and Rest
There are many different rep schemes that'll help you reach your goals. We've set 3 sets of 8 reps by default, but feel free to change it to your own liking.

Getting Help
If you need some help getting started, join our facebook group and our team and existing community would be happy to help!