Treino do Wagner
eltonjneto avatar eltonjneto
Apr 30th 2023

Treino do Wagner


Equipment required: Dumbell, Barbell, Kettlebell, Bench, and Machine

This plan supports Interval mode and Audio Cue & Pro Tips

This workout is a weekly routine of exercises divided into different muscle groups, with the goal of promoting muscle development, improving endurance, and overall fitness.

On Monday, the focus is on the quadriceps, the muscle group that makes up the front of the thigh, with exercises such as squats, leg press, and leg extensions. The calf muscles are also worked on this day with calf raises.

On Tuesday, the workout focuses on the back, with exercises such as lat pulldowns, bent-over rows with a W bar, V-bar pulldowns, and single-arm dumbbell rows. The trapezius is also worked on this day with shrugs. Abdominal exercises are also included to strengthen the abdominal muscles.

On Wednesday, the focus is on the chest and shoulders, with exercises such as bench press with a 45-degree angle, flat bench press, dumbbell bench press, cable crossovers, lateral raises, unilateral raises, shoulder press, and upright rows. The goal is to work the pectoral, deltoid, and back muscles.

On Thursday, the workout is focused on the glutes and hamstrings, with exercises such as lying leg curls, stiff-legged deadlifts, seated leg curls, hip thrusts, and calf raises, as well as abdominal exercises to strengthen the abdominal muscles.

On Friday, the focus is on the arms and forearms, with exercises such as the W bar, single-arm dumbbell rows, bicep curls, tricep pushdowns with a rope, V bar, tricep dips, dumbbell French presses, forearm curls with a bar, and forearm curls with a rope. The goal is to work the biceps, triceps, and forearms.

Each workout is structured with different exercises that aim to work different muscles and stimulate balanced and complete muscle development. It is important to remember that regular exercise should be accompanied by a healthy and balanced diet and adequate rest for better results.