Revised Basic Quick Split
AnthonyDelgado3 avatar AnthonyDelgado3
Jul 3rd 2019

Revised Basic Quick Split


Equipment required: Dumbell, Barbell, Kettlebell, Bench, and Machine

This plan supports Interval mode and Audio Cue & Pro Tips

This is the next phase of my Basic Quick Split that many JEFIT users are already using. I've added an auxiliary day for those who want to do some aux work. I'm focussing on biceps and lats that day.

Quite a few months ago I shared a full body workout and got lots of great feedback from the community. The workouts were around 70 minutes, however, and many--myself included--did not have time to complete the workout 2-3 times per week. So, I created a quick split. The idea is to do full body twice per week (as per the previous full body) but in 35-40 minutes.

Each workout focuses on either upper or lower body, focussing on major compound exercises. They also include one abs and one back exercise and conclude with an optional auxiliary exercise.

Lift heavy, push hard, rest, and eat well to see results.

You can swap out the back, abs, and auxiliaries to suit your needs, but I highly recommend you keep the major compound lifts or you will not experience good results.

I recommend you do upper day one, lower day two, rest a day, and then do upper again, lower again, rest until the next week.