Reddit Metallicadpa's PPL 
Modified for dumbbell only use at home
peoplefit avatar peoplefit
Jul 26th 2020

Reddit Metallicadpa's PPL Modified for dumbbell only use at home


Equipment required: Dumbell, Barbell, Kettlebell, Bench, and Machine

This plan supports Interval mode and Audio Cue & Pro Tips

A Linear Progression Based PPL Program for Beginners Designed by Reddit User: Metallicadpa Reddit Thread URL: Workout Notes On the last set of the main compound lifts (listed below), perform as many reps as possible (AMRAP). AMRAP sets in the Workout Routine appear as a separate lift without the rep number listed. At least 5 reps should be performed on the AMRAP set. DO NOT perform AMRAP on bench and overhead press on the same day! On push days, super set the tricep pushdown and overhead extensions with lateral raises. Compound Lifts Deadlift Bench press Squat Barbell row Overhead press Substitutions Pull ups can be substituted with pulldowns or chinups See Reddit thread for additional substitutions Warm-up WW = working weight Empty bar x10 50% WW x10 75% WW x5 90% WW x3 Edit: modified for dumbbell use at home and more supersets. Missing: burpees, swings, clean, thruster, split jump, jumping jacks, etc. some warm up is added, but the above missing exercises can be added for warm up as well Note:single arm exercise reps count is given per arm, i.e. single arm clean x5 means 5 left+5right arm left