Grimm's Ladies Workout (Rapid Fat Loss)
Renier Taute avatar Renier Taute
Feb 15th 2019

Grimm's Ladies Workout (Rapid Fat Loss)


Equipment required: Dumbell, Barbell, Kettlebell, Bench, and Machine

This plan supports Interval mode and Audio Cue & Pro Tips

This workout is created for the ladies.

This is an full 12 week rapid fat loss program.

After each gym session the following needs to be done also.


Here’s the workout breakdown:

Round 1 (repeat three times)

Side lunges – 30 seconds
Skaters (fast) – 15 seconds
Rest – 15 seconds

Round 2 (repeat three times)

Sumo squats – 30 seconds
Jumping squats – 15 seconds
Rest – 15 seconds

Round 3 (repeat three times)

Overhead forward lunges – 30 seconds
Fast feet – 15 seconds
Rest – 15 seconds

There is an exercise in this program called "burpees", if you not sure how to do it just follow this video link below.

Burpee is not on the system of Jefit.

Burpee needs to be on Monday's schedule.

Sets: 3
Reps: 10
Rest: 30s

Also the following exercises needs to be done per leg.

10 reps per leg. This adds up to 20 reps.

Dumbbell Walking Lunges, Split Jump and Single Leg Glute Bridge

Circuit: Complete each exercise directly
after the previous with no rest in between
until all exercises have been completed.
This is one set. Rest 1 - 2 minutes
between each set.

SuperSet: Completing 2 exercises directly
after each other with no rest in between.
After both exercises have been completed
that counts as one set of the SuperSet.

Tri Set: Completing 3 exercises directly after one another
with no rest in between. After all 3 exercises have been
completed, that counts as one set of the Tri Set.

You can do these exercises at home or at your gym, depending on
your circumstances. Refer to the Training Tips of each stage to adapt the training slightly. If you can’t do the weight and cardio
training in one session, you can split it into two sessions - preferably cardio in the morning and weight training in the evening.

Create an great diet for you also.

"Just believe in yourself. Even if you don't, pretend that you do and, at some point, you will." –Venus Williams

Please rate the program :)