4-Day Split- Home Workout (Body/Pull Bar/Bands/25lb dumbbells)
tapac333 avatar tapac333
Dec 29th 2013

4-Day Split- Home Workout (Body/Pull Bar/Bands/25lb dumbbells)


5 DAYS - Bulking - Advanced

Equipment required: Dumbell, Barbell, Kettlebell, Bench, and Machine

This plan supports Interval mode and Audio Cue & Pro Tips

This routine is designed for muscle mass, bulking up, and is fast paced. It works each muscle Almost twice a week, giving enough rest between each, and splits the legs into upper and lower. Remember, you might not be able to do all of them, do the best you can, and keep building up will you can complete the routines. Increase weight levels & reps after you start hitting your plateau. For max effect, try to Max out at 8-10 reps for muscle growth. If you're pumping away at weight level L4 and it's getting easy, maybe it's time to toss on an extra set.

Day 1: Chest/Biceps
Day 2a: Upper Legs/Core
Day 2b: Lower Legs/Core
Day 3: Back/Shoulders/Triceps
Day 4: REST

Alternate between A and B sets for Day 2!

It's centered around training at home with simple, easy to obtain, *Cheap, equipment. The tools are: a DOOR PULL-UP BAR, a HEAVY BAND, a LIGHT BAND, and a PAIR OF MEDIUM FREE WEIGHTS (25lb).
These tools are organized into 4 Levels:
L1: Easy- Light weight band
L2: Med.- 25# Dumbbells
L3: Hard- Heavy Weight band
L4: MAX- Combined dumbbells & Heavy Band together

*Utilize which ever Level you see fit . Since you're not using gym weights, the weight number doesn't really matter in the app, so I simply put the Level instead of the weight into the app. (For example if I'm doing curls @ L1, I put 1lb into the app for tracking. If over time I increase to L2, I'll put 2 into the weight column of that exercise ect ). Most of the custom exercises will be listed as Dumbbell, but you can easily switch it out with the bands or any other combination you see fit from L1-L4 to keep bringing the tension.

The workout switches muscles up in quick rotations, keeping you pumping. Remember to really push yourself to increase the reps as you go since you aren't doing 3 sets back to back!

*Note: Make sure that the handles for the bands can be gripped together comfortably for L4. I prefer tension band handles that fit between the both ends of the dumbbell, allowing you to grip both with a pair of workout gloves. This adds resistance, works more muscle groups, gives you additional weight without having to buy heavier, *more expensive, free-weights.

Thanks guys, I've collobarated with a lot of workouts, styles, + Routines, and this one works best for me. If you have tips, suggestions or recommendations, hit me up. I'm always ready for improvement. Enjoy!