John Anthony PPL
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Feb 21st 2017

John Anthony PPL


6 DAYS - Cutting - Intermediate

Equipment required: Dumbell, Barbell, Kettlebell, Bench, and Machine

This plan supports Interval mode and Audio Cue & Pro Tips

Classic PPL program w/ modifications, core, and cardio

Recommended order: Pull 1, Push 1, Legs 1, Pull 2, Push 2, Legs 2, Rest (2 rest consecutive rest days ok). Aim for 1-2 hours of cardio/week, with no more than 20-30 mins of HIIT (unless playing sports; you can do more) while prioritizing LISS (mostly walking if possible). Core work can be done any day, as often as desired (recommended no more than 2x/week).

If too difficult due to cutting, cut sets. Start cutting accessory sets while prioritizing main movements (squats, deadlifts, bench, overhead press, and bent over rows).

Last set on all major movements are as many reps as possible (AMRAP).

Running linear progression: Add 2.5-5 lbs on main movements; increase weight on accessories when you can do full reps for all sets. If you miss reps on one lift, evaluate sleep/nutrition/other factors and fix it. If you still continue to miss reps after several workout days on that lift, reduce load by 10-15% weight and progress back up again.
-On a bulk: If after 1 month, you make no progression, you've likely surpassed beginner level and need to look into intermediate programs.
-On a cut: Possible but will likely be difficult on a cut. Run linear progression until you stall. Maintain at that level for as long as possible; you will also likely regress from that point, but continue to push to maintain that level.

As always, focus on quality reps. Less but more quality reps, is always more favorable than increased volume.