Bulking Workout (Ectomorph)
Joker_CRO avatar Joker_CRO
Apr 14th 2014

Bulking Workout (Ectomorph)


4 DAYS - Bulking - Intermediate

Equipment required: Dumbell, Barbell, Kettlebell, Bench, and Machine

This plan supports Interval mode and Audio Cue & Pro Tips

As it is very difficult for people like me, who don't get muscle mass as fast as others, I needed to change my entire way of training and eating. With my coach I have created a bulking nutrition plan on the one and a new training plan on the other hand. Main goal is, to get to my old shape and weight of 81kg (now I'm 75kg), and from there on to my long term goal of 95kg of muscle mass. Hard and long way for Ectomorphs like me

Workout plan:
- 5 workouts per week (not counting cardio training)
- 2 rest days
- each exercise containing at least 8 max 10 reps

I have created two different workout routines R1 and R2:
- five exercises for large muscles (back and chest)
- three exercises for smaller muscles like arms (i put in four, so there is some flexibility if the gym is full and many machines are occupied)
- abs training 3x per week (included under "shoulder, legs and abs", but can be done whenever you feel fit enough do do it)

As I am training 5 times per week, I didn't want to repeat the same exercises over and over again. To maintain some fun and don't let my muscles get used to exercises and lose the impact of them, I have created two routines.

So for example in week 1 I will do R1 Chest, R1 Back, R1 Legs, R2 Chest, R2 Back and in between some two rest days. In Week 2 I continue with R2 Legs, repeat R1 all over again. And so on...