FullBody FatBurn WorkOut
GeorgeTryfonos avatar GeorgeTryfonos
Apr 29th 2018

FullBody FatBurn WorkOut


5 DAYS - Cutting - Intermediate

Equipment required: Dumbell, Barbell, Kettlebell, Bench, and Machine

This plan supports Interval mode and Audio Cue & Pro Tips

Wellcome to FatBurn blueprint
Superset , DropSets and 10x10
Cardio= 30min after every workout or 20min HIIT
5X5 SETS will help you keep as much strength as possible while you cutting. Use 70-80% of you 5RM
Important in this routine is nutrition. Try to stay near 40,40,20 (carbs,protein,fats) with -10-15% of your TDEE

Method 1 (Days 1 and 2)
In this 1st and 2nd workout you’ll pair opposing muscle groups and movements – ie, back and chest, triceps and biceps, straight-arm pushdowns and upright rows (opposing movements), etc.
Since supersets are good for improving strength, weight will be on the heavy side with sets of 6-8 reps.
Do any versions you prefer of the below exercises. Perform 3 sets of each exercise, 6-8 reps per set, except for any bodyweight moves you choose (pull-ups, push-ups, dips, etc.); for these moves, go to failure regardless of how many reps that ends up being.

Method 2 (Day 3 and 4)
This routine involves compound sets where two exercises for the same muscle group are done back-to-back. In this version of compound sets, we’ll do a multijoint exercise first followed by a single-joint movement (again, for that same muscle group). In cases of muscle groups like biceps, two single-joint exercises will be used.
Do 2 sets of each exercise and use any version of each exercise you prefer. On exercise 1, do 5-6 reps per set, and on exercise 2 do 12-15 reps. When body weight exercises are used, just go to failure.

Method 3 (Day 5)
For each exercise, perform the following sets. Add weight on each set and rest as little as possible between sets (5-10sec).
Set #1: 20 reps
5sec rest
Set #2: 10 reps
5sec rest
Set #3: 5 reps
10sec rest
After set #3, you have the option of performing two drop sets to finish the exercise:
Drop Set #1: Go to failure using the same weight you did for set #2.
No rest
Drop Set #2: Go to failure using the same weight you did for set #1.

Method 4 (Day 6)
Simple German Volume Training 10x10 with supersets for less time more fat burn