12-Week Lean Muscle Gain
trimfit avatar trimfit
Nov 4th 2016

12-Week Lean Muscle Gain


5 DAYS - Cutting - Advanced

Equipment required: Dumbell, Barbell, Kettlebell, Bench, and Machine

This plan supports Interval mode and Audio Cue & Pro Tips

have designed a combined mass volume 12 week program which I have used myself and worked amazingly for me, I have used many techniques and I feel because of my body type that adding one week heavy training and the next week more volume has given me better results. This program is quite intense but if you have mastered your nutritional side and you consistent and dedicated I promise you that the results will speak for itself. This wil test your level of commitment and I promise you it will give you visable results by week 12. Make sure you follow my program to the letter, you will see that I try and explain each and every exercise best I can, stick to my rep range and make sure when it’s a mass week that weight is increased with every set, with mass we mean training heavy, that’s our focus point. Its all about consistency and this will be the key to your transforming
physique and then obviously making sure your nutritional side
of things are 100%.